virgin islands scene

Tomorrow morning the critic will be gone, but the writer will still be there facing the blank page.
-- Steven Pressfield


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Details upon details

Flying across the sky gets you where you’re going quickly. But it doesn’t provide much opportunity to experience where you’ve been.

Sometimes it’s essential to arrive at your destination as soon as possible. At other times, though, you can find much value in discovering what’s along the way.

Certainly the big picture matters quite a lot, and is good to understand. Yet every big picture is composed of details upon details, and those details are important too.

Whether you’re traversing a physical or intellectual distance, you have a delicate balance to maintain. You must go fast enough to get there and slow enough to understand where you are.

The details connect one place to another, one concept to other concepts, ideas, and expressions. Details provide insights that add great value to whatever you intend to do.

Seek to be fast and efficient, but not too fast, not overly efficient. You don’t want to cheat yourself out of all the opportunities to be found in the details.

— Ralph Marston

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