Monday, May 1, 2023
Treasure of existence
Treasure the strength you have gained in dark times. Treasure the joys you have discovered in the sunshine.
Treasure the friends you’ve made, the loves you’ve lost, the opportunity to share life with them all. Treasure the memories of what’s been, the beauty of what is, and your possibilities for the future.
What you treasure becomes more of a treasure. And you can find it in yourself to treasure it all.
Even the days that are far from pleasant still have value to add to your life. Even the stories with sad endings bring richness and depth to your experience.
Instead of striving to find things to treasure, see the treasure in whatever fills each moment. Life’s treasures are always present if you let them be.
Here, now, the treasure of existence surrounds you. See it, appreciate it, live it, and make it even more of a treasure by doing so.
Ralph Marston

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