Friday, April 28, 2023
Best face forward
Think beyond the moment. Consider beyond the immediate transaction.
It may require a little more of your time, effort and resources to be reliable, friendly, helpful. Yet by doing so you’re investing in the long term, working to build relationships that can be of great value.
Be polite when you don’t need to be, and honest when no one is looking. In every encounter, in every choice, encourage habits within yourself that gain you the trust and genuine respect of others.
Not everyone will respond positively to your kindness and integrity, but don’t let that discourage you. Because the people who do resonate with such behavior have the potential to bring great value into your life.
For better or for worse, your reputation matters, and your reputation is not based on what you want it to be. Your reputation comes from what you do, again and again, consistently, year after year.
Even the smallest interactions make a big difference in the way the world sees you. Put your best, most authentically helpful face forward every chance you get.
Ralph Marston

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