virgin islands scene

By words the mind is winged.
-- Aristophanes


Saturday, April 22, 2023

Fulfill the promise

This is the day when you can live your experience. Here is the place where you will make a difference.

Now is the moment when you transform intention into action. The spot where you stand is your place to start.

It can be tempting to wait until later, but later never really gets here. The richness of life is always lived in the time that is, in the place you are, with the conditions you have.

Those conditions will never be perfect. Yet they are always sufficient and accessible, ready for you to act upon.

Invite yourself to be filled with gratitude and amazement at the extent of opportunity that’s now yours to sieze. Give yourself a little push and initiate the momentum that can be.

Here you are with possibility all around you. Fulfill the great promise of the moment you’re in.

— Ralph Marston

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