Monday, April 17, 2023
Intellectual humility
From the past you can gain some insights about the future. But just because you went through an experience once does not make you an expert on all the ways it could unfold next time.
Over the course of your life you’ve accumulated a great amount of useful knowledge. Yet it’s impossible for you to know everything about every subject.
It’s good when you can be realistically confident about particular issues and situations. It’s just as good to know and admit when you’re puzzled, when you don’t have sufficient experience or information.
Make good use of your knowledge and experience. Don’t waste your energy pretending to know more than you know.
If you have what seems like a stupid question, ask that question of someone who is likely to know the answer. Questions that seem stupid are actually very smart, because they often lead to a fundamental understanding.
No one is born with expertise about everything. Don’t let your ego get in the way of increasing your knowledge and wisdom with each passing day.
Ralph Marston

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