Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Make the choices work
Achievement not only requires that you make certain choices. Achievement requires that you make the choices work.
Intention alone is not sufficient, no matter how much passion is behind it. Reality will remain firmly the way it is until you put forth time, energy, and skill to change it.
It’s great that you can tap on the image of some product you desire and have that product show up in your life before the day is over. Such experiences, repeated again and again, can give you the impression that the world bends to your mere will.
But of course that is not the case. And to allow yourself such a fantasy is to set yourself up for extreme disappointment.
There is much value that you can experience and enjoy. Yet as much value as reality offers, you cannot ever dependably benefit from value you have not earned.
Choose with care what you truly desire for yourself, your family, your community, your world. Then step up and do the work needed to bring those choices to life.
Ralph Marston

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