virgin islands scene

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.
-- William James


Saturday, March 11, 2023

Hopes and expectations

Give your world the energy of hope. Give your life the benefit of positive expectations.

Your hopes and expectations alone will not cause anything to happen. What they will do is encourage you, inspire you, and push you to create value, to promote goodness.

Be hopeful, expect the best. Then act on your hopes, put your time, efforts, and resources behind your expectations.

Give yourself a detailed vision of the best place life can go. Then get yourself up and get going in that direction.

What exactly can you dare to hope for today? Let that hope take hold, envision what will get you there, and act on your vision.

Don’t let the moments pass by with nothing in them. Each one provides a new opportunity to work toward fulfilling your best hopes and expectations.

— Ralph Marston

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