Monday, March 6, 2023
Darkness to see
Sometimes you need darkness in order to see. Sometimes you need silence to be able to hear.
Listen, and you find meaning not only in the sound but in the silence that envelopes the sound. Watch as daylight fades, and your vision grows more perceptive.
When you’re gulping noise, color, data, sensation, how can you possibly find value and meaning in it all? Consider taking a step back from the torrent.
Find for yourself a quiet, peaceful sanctuary, away from the glare and the constant motion. Feel your own breath and the miraculous, mysterious life it nurtures.
In that space, let go of the need to perceive everything all at once. Treasure and explore the opportunity to understand and connect with what matters most.
In the gentle darkness you can see the faintest of lights. Often those are the ones that can make the biggest difference.
— Ralph Marston

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