virgin islands scene

Some people change their ways when they see the light; others when they feel the heat.
-- Caroline Schoeder


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Structure and possibility

The structure in your life provides essential support. Yet to do this it must necessarily confine and restrict you.

You benefit from the order, resilience, and predictability provided by structure. You also benefit by regularly freeing yourself from its confines.

Within your supporting structure you can work with effectiveness to achieve what you desire and reach toward your dreams. Outside that structure is where you can bring desires to the surface and use them to clarify those dreams.

Go out now and then into unknown territory. Expose yourself to the chaotic onslaught of raw possibilities and bewildering experiences.

Then bring some of the possibilities back to the relative safety and security of your home. Go to work on those possibilities, and enrich your world with the best of them.

Great adventure is to be found in balancing chaos with order, existing structure with novel possibility. With courage, with purpose, with love, keep bringing the adventure to life.

— Ralph Marston

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