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If you have a job without aggravations, you don't have a job.
-- Malcolm Forbes


Saturday, February 4, 2023

Feeling stuck

Are you feeling stuck where you are? That’s great, because it means you’re ready to get moving in a more rewarding direction.

Within you is the desire to move away from some specific aspect of your current situation. You can harness that desire and transform it into progress.

From your feeling of being stuck, you can extract energy, motivation, and effective action. To do that, look beyond where you are and decide on the direction you wish to go.

There’s passion in the feeling of being stuck, but it’s a negative passion that won’t lead to anything other than resentment and despair. Yet you can choose to reshape it into passion for a positive purpose.

When you’re feeling stuck, ask yourself why. Develop a clear and detailed picture of what you’re being prevented from doing, being, feeling, or expressing.

Then you can take whatever actions get you moving toward what you desire. Turn the intense feeling of being stuck on its head and use its energy to push you in a positive, fulfilling direction.

— Ralph Marston

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