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The real secret to success is enthusiasm.
-- Walter Chrysler


Monday, January 23, 2023

Actual efforts

Visualize what you intend to do. But don’t let the visualization be a substitute for the doing.

It’s important to plan before you act. Yet if you have to choose between planning and action, you’re better off choosing action.

The intentions that have the most valuable impact are not the ones endlessly honed to perfection. They’re the ones you actually carry out.

Spend a little bit of time thinking about what will work. Then spend a lot more time discovering what actually does work and what doesn’t.

As perfectly effective as they are in your imagination, conceptual efforts don’t accomplish anything. To get things done you must perform actual efforts in the difficult and imperfect domain of reality.

Go beyond just thinking about it, talking about it, imagining it and planning it. Now is your time to step forward and get it done.

— Ralph Marston

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