Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Good life
The good you do may not be noticed by others. Do it nonetheless, because at a very minimum you will notice, and that’s something.
The beauty you create might not be seen by anyone else. Create and care for that beauty anyway, for in the act of doing so you give it meaning and value.
Living a good life is not a matter of being able to brag about the life you live. It’s a matter of being true to your highest perception of goodness, to truth itself.
The frivolous, superficial things are cheap to obtain and all too easy to lose. What’s worse, if you become obsessed with them they drain away your potential for much more meaningful and substantive pursuits.
Instead, create and expand upon opportunities to give of yourself. Look for how you can make more goodness in the world, and act on what you find.
You have your authentic self and the ability to invest yourself in what matters. Put it all together and make a truly good life for you and those around you.
Ralph Marston

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