virgin islands scene

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes


Saturday, January 14, 2023

The work of right now

One step, then another, then another. That’s all you have to do to get wherever you wish to go.

Work through one challenge, and the next, then the one after that. You’ll be able to work your way in a positive, fulfilling direction.

Answer one question, write one sentence, make one phone call. Clean out one drawer, reply to one email, finish one workout.

The entire undertaking need not be overwhelming. Because you can choose to focus on as small a portion of it as necessary.

So give your attention to the task immediately at hand, to the work of right now, to the step you’re currently taking. Find joy in the process, and fulfillment in the experience of making a difference.

Do the work of right now. And you’ll be getting it done, one step at a time.

— Ralph Marston

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