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The significant problems we face today cannot be solved on the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.
-- Albert Einstein


Monday, January 9, 2023

Grand opportunity of now

What physical possessions, thoughts, and feelings are you holding on to that are no longer useful and never again will be? Let them go, and clear out space for more value and fulfillment in your life.

Stop forcing yourself to dig through useless artifacts to get to what you need. Enable yourself to spend more time living, thriving, creating meaningful value and experiences.

Treasure, preserve, and continue to find joy in your good memories. At the same time, keep them in perspective.

Appreciate the past rather than keeping yourself continually bound to it. Carry forward what has true value and move on beyond the rest.

Don’t let the past burden your present or contaminate your future. Free yourself from the regrets, resentments, and closets full of stuff that serve only to hold you back.

Open yourself fully to the grand opportunity of now. Lighten your load and discover how much more effective and purposeful you can be.

— Ralph Marston

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