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Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.
-- Dr. Albert Schweitzer


Monday, December 12, 2022

Overcome temptation

How do you overcome temptation? You focus on the consequences.

Anything tempting you is going to give you pleasure in the moment and painful regret in the future. Jump beyond the moment in your imagination and feel the intense pain of that regret.

Realize that you can completely avoid that future regret with a simple choice in the present. Feel your own power and exercise it in a positive and life-enhancing way.

Giving in to temptation is a compromise of your own integrity. Don’t do it, because it’s not worth it.

Whatever momentary pleasure you might gain from what’s tempting you will soon be long gone. The negative consequences, however, are likely to linger for a very long time, forcing you to pay their price over and over again.

Temptations can be powerful and persuasive, yet you are able to summon even more power. Exercise that power, avoid the temptations, and very soon you’ll be thanking yourself for doing so.

— Ralph Marston

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