virgin islands scene

The most violent element in society is ignorance.
-- Emma Goldman


Saturday, November 5, 2022

Make room

Make room in your life for goodness. Make room in your life for joy.

Make time in your life for purposeful living. Make space in your life for wonder, for awe, for growing wisdom, for love.

If you allow your surroundings to fill up with junk, there’s no room remaining for anything useful. If you fill your awareness with negativity, you can crowd out everything else.

Make room for something better. Make room for the richness you seek to experience.

There’s only so much you can think about, or do, or carry with you. So be choosy about how you fill your life.

Make room for what benefits you, your world, and the lives of others. Make room for what matters, and give yourself a fulfilling and rewarding place to be.

— Ralph Marston

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