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Nothing gives a person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.
-- Thomas Jefferson


Thursday, October 13, 2022

Choose encouragement

Discouragement does not come from what happens. Discouragement comes from the way you choose to see what happens.

It’s very helpful when people offer you their sincere encouragement. Yet you can decide to find encouragement in whatever other people say or do whether they seek to encourage you or not.

Are you going to be discouraged or encouraged by the events of this particular day? That depends on you.

You’ll be more effective, you’ll get more done when you’re encouraged about what you’re doing. So it makes sense to choose encouragement, even when it’s coming only from you.

Have you ever encouraged someone else, and witnessed that person benefitting from the encouragement? Always keep in mind that you can do the same for yourself.

Be thankful and accepting of encouragement from others. And be ready to choose encouragement for yourself whenever you’re looking to have a little more.

— Ralph Marston

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