virgin islands scene

Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson


Monday, October 10, 2022

Call upon your discipline

You don’t have to give in to temptation. You can go on living your life and you’ll be just fine.

Whatever is tempting you is seeking to squeeze your focus from the long term to the immediate moment. Giving in might give you a tiny fleeting pleasure, but you’ll pay a big price going forward.

It’s a tradeoff that’s not worth taking. Hold the temptation in your awareness, realize you’re in full control, and then let it go.

Call upon your discipline and you can be free to go on living with intention and purpose. Activate your discipline and you can avoid all the continuing regrets that would have otherwise come.

You can make your choices into real, meaningful choices and not just accommodations to momentary whims. Through practice, you can demonstrate to yourself that you’re stronger than the temptations.

Look straight ahead and see all the good things that are possible if you’ll simply keep going. Keep going, and leave the temptations behind.

— Ralph Marston

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