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Anything the human mind can believe, the human mind can achieve.
-- Napoleon Hill


Saturday, September 24, 2022

That’s inspiration

Are you waiting for inspiration before getting to work? You’ve got it backwards.

Inspiration doesn’t just come to you out of the blue. Inspiration comes from what you do.

Are you wondering where you’ll find inspiration? You’ll find it by participating in life to the fullest extent possible.

You’ll find inspiration in your encouragement of others, in your acts of generosity, in tackling difficult challenges. You’ll find inspiration when you stop searching for it and start attracting it to the energy with which you live your life.

When you’re not inspired to get started that’s all the more reason to do precisely that. Get started and get the inspiration flowing.

Bring the spirit inside you to the surface where you can see it in action, hear it speaking, feel it making a difference in the world. That’s inspiration.

— Ralph Marston

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