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Information's pretty thin stuff unless mixed with experience.
-- Clarence Day


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Richness and variety

There are plenty of places, near and far, you’ve never been to. Choose one and pay it a visit.

There are all sorts of people you have never met. Make it your business to get to know one of them.

Life is filled with points of view you’ve never considered, disciplines you don’t understand. Devote some meaningful time to explore a few of them.

Is it worth even a few minutes to hear someone express the same opinion for the one hundred and forty seventh time? See if you can spend those minutes instead being surprised anew by the richness and variety of life.

What’s along the road you’ve never walked down? What enjoyable and fulfilling experiences do you not even know you’re missing?

Don’t let your spirit be imprisoned by the seduction of all that’s comfortable and familiar. Though you’ll never experience all there is to experience, you can always keep moving in that rewarding direction.

— Ralph Marston

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