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He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had tried and failed.
-- William James


Friday, July 29, 2022

You can do better

Be honest with yourself, and you’ll realize something powerful. You can do better.

That isn’t a criticism. Indeed, it’s a compliment, an acknowledgment of your highest possibilities.

As much as you’ve succeeded, as much as you’ve failed, now you can do better. You can make full use of all the success, of all the failure, of all the priceless experience.

You can let life challenge you to a new adventure. You can embrace a bigger and more meaningful chunk of your potential.

Show your critics just how right they were, in a good way. Show how much more value, achievement, kindness, and patience you’re capable of bringing into the world.

You can. Do better.

— Ralph Marston

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