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Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake.
-- Henry David Thoreau


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Live like it all matters

You can get by in life without caring about anything. But why in the world would you want to live your life that way?

You can get through your work just doing the bare minimum, being sloppy and inattentive. Yet the time you’re wasting on meaningless activity is your own precious time.

You can get through the day being selfish, rude, and inconsiderate. But the person damaged most by your selfishness is you.

Life without caring wears you down and empties you out, even if just for a few hours or minutes. Fortunately, you never have to live that way.

You can always choose to care, to give your best, to be kind, considerate, diligent, purposeful. It’s not always easy, not always convenient, but it’s always available and always your best option.

Give your sincere care to the people, activities, circumstances, and possibilities in your life. Live like it all matters and you’ll know without a doubt how much it all does.

— Ralph Marston

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