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Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
-- Woody Allen


Thursday, July 14, 2022

What worries you

Worry won’t protect you from whatever you’re worried about. What can protect you are truth, strength, and action.

Here are the questions you must ask yourself. What can you do about it, and what will you do about it?

The good thing about worry is that it points your awareness specifically toward what you care about. That’s a valuable start, but it’s not enough.

Once you understand what you care about, worry has done its job. At that point you can transform the energy of worry into the energy of focused, effective action.

You can make a commitment to improve some particular aspect of your world. Then you can follow through on that commitment with the time, energy, and resources available to you.

Make note of what worries you, and determine what you can do about it. Then leave the worry behind by virtue of your positive actions.

— Ralph Marston

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