virgin islands scene

Where there is joy there is creation. Where there is no joy there is no creation: know the nature of joy.
-- Upanishads


Friday, July 8, 2022

Power of your love

Don’t let yourself get repeatedly drawn into fighting against what you dislike. There’s a good chance that will only make it stronger, and give it a more prominent place in your life.

Choose instead to invest your time, energy, and awareness in more beneficial and compelling alternatives. Direct your focus and support to what’s good and desirable.

Break away from any fixation on assigning blame and seeking retribution. You have better things to do.

You can move beyond the past and into a future where you build and support what you care most about. You can seek to fill your world with so much positive value that there’s little room for anything else.

For every negative influence in your life, look for something positive that can render it irrelevant. Challenge yourself to uncover and to travel that positive path.

Don’t make the bad things worse by giving them the energy of your resistance. Make the world better by giving the power of your love.

— Ralph Marston

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