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Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
-- Abraham Lincoln


Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Stay in motion

Keep thinking, keep speaking, keep doing. Even if it’s not much, even if it seems like nothing, keep going.

You may not be making as much progress as you’d like. But you’re making more progress than if you just stopped completely.

Stay in motion, keep the thoughts and words and actions coming, and you’ll get better at it all. Stay in motion and you can adjust, adapt, improve, experience what works well and what doesn’t.

When you get interrupted don’t let it get you down. Just jump back on track and in motion as quickly as you can.

If all that motion is leading you astray, be honest enough to see it. Then point in a more positive direction and get back in motion again.

There’s so much you’re always capable of learning, achieving, and experiencing. Stay in motion, and make the best of it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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