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Do an evening review at the end of the day to reflect on what went well, and what you'd do differently next time.
-- Marilyn Suttle


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Follow through

It’s good to have options. Yet options are worthless if you never follow through on any of them.

Put sufficient thought and consideration into choosing the best option. Keep in mind, though, that a successful outcome requires more than making the initial choice.

A big part of what makes any particular option a good choice is what you do with it. The best option is the one you’ll continue to give your time, attention, and effort to.

There’s nothing to be gained by obsessing endlessly over making the perfect choice. Instead, make a reasonably well-informed choice and then put your energy into making that choice work.

To the degree that a choice limits you, it also enables you to apply your efforts in a meaningful direction. It’s only when you’re on a specific path that you’re able to move forward.

More significant than the choice itself is what you do with it. Make the choice, follow through, and make it work.

— Ralph Marston

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