virgin islands scene

We have art so that we shall not die of reality.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Established goodness

Novelty is exciting. New people, places, experiences, and accoutrements in your life can be stimulating and fun.

Yet even the newest things quickly become old. The most valuable and significant parts of your world are old much longer than they are new.

Yes, the latest thing can be dazzling for a few minutes. But once the newness wears off, is that moment of novelty going to sustain you?

In your quest for newness, take care not to abandon what is already good and valuable and working well. Though not particularly thrilling, there’s much to be said for reliability and familiarity.

Seek a healthy balance between what’s new and what’s well established. You can get much more from the latest things when you respect, appreciate, and sustain the well-established goodness in life.

Don’t just chase what’s new. Give plenty of time, effort, and nourishment to what you already have.

— Ralph Marston

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