virgin islands scene

Diligence is the mother of good luck.
-- Benjamin Franklin


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Light from a distant galaxy

In the night sky you see light that has traveled for a hundred thousand years to reach your eyes. In a similar fashion, opportunities now within your reach could well have been hundreds or thousands of years in the making.

An unimaginable number of factors have brought you to exactly where you are right now. Now it’s up to you to make all that count for something good.

This day is not just another day. It is a fulfillment of all the days that have come before.

The ancient light from a distant galaxy is as real as anything gets. So is the energy of your awareness, of your life, of your potential.

Harness and ride upon that energy. Bring to life new expressions of beauty, new experiences of value, understanding, love and fulfillment.

Live this moment as the miracle that it is. Use what you have, everything you are, all you know, and continue to expand upon the miracle.

— Ralph Marston

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