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A man's best friends are his ten fingers.
-- Robert Collyer


Friday, April 15, 2022

Serenity of now

Allow your thoughts to come and then to peacefully go. Sink in to the serenity of now.

Let your feelings be your feelings, without judgment or conflict. Be filled with the peace that is always possible.

Spend time with that peace, free from the demands of needs and desires. Notice how your spirit is cleansed and refreshed as each peaceful moment passes.

Enable all that you are to be present in the serenity of now. Know that it is available to you at any time, just by letting it be.

Allowing serenity to envelop you will not make the difficulties and complications of life go away. Yet it can strengthen your connection to positive purpose and enhance your power to handle life’s challenges.

Give yourself the gift of peace. Spend time in the serenity of now.

— Ralph Marston

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