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Wealth is enjoying what we already have, not getting more of what we think will make us happy.
-- Peter McWilliams


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Power in the little things

Little things done often can be more effective than big things done occasionally. Make a little positive difference enough times and you’ll soon discover you’ve made a big difference.

A small kindness is a little thing you always have the opportunity to offer. Do it a hundred times, or a thousand, and you’ll change your life, as well as the lives of others, for the better.

Little things are simple, easy, accessible, repeatable. Little things give you a continuing way to invest in the goodness of life.

Little things provide a way to take action without the need for elaborate planning or scarce resources. And the more action you take, the more value you create, the more fulfillment you experience.

Look around eagerly with kindness, respect, understanding and good cheer. Notice all the little things you can do today.

Remind yourself often to avail yourself of the little things. And watch as life grows in richness and meaning by the minute.

— Ralph Marston

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