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To be able to do a thing, you must begin to do it, and keep on doing it until the thing is mastered.
-- James Allen


Thursday, December 9, 2021

Full commitment

What you do is what you’re committed to doing. Actions are driven by thoughts, and your level of commitment determines which actions your thoughts select.

Your commitments are not necessarily what you say they are, to yourself or others. Your commitments are evidenced by the results you get, by the way your life unfolds.

You determine the nature and amount of thought, effort, purpose, and passion you put into each moment. Commitment bundles all those moments together in a coherent and meaningful direction.

As such, commitment gives great power to your actions, knowledge, resources, and skills. Upon what goals, what dreams, what roles, what responsibilities, will you expend that power?

Look around your life at this time. It’s easy to see what you’ve been committed to, and what you haven’t.

What will you be fully committed to now, going forward? In the answer to that question is a significant part of the span of life that now stretches in front of you.

— Ralph Marston

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