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Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic.
-- Dale Carnegie


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Gratitude and ambition

Be thankful for what you have, for all you’ve experienced. But don’t let your gratitude become an excuse for complacency.

Be ambitious about the possibilities and all you can do with them. But don’t be so blinded by ambition that you fail to appreciate the goodness already present in your life.

Gratitude and ambition serve you best when they exist in a healthy balance. Rather than forcing them to compete, allow them to cooperate with each other.

Regard your ambition as an extension and expression of your gratitude. Expand your gratitude to encompass not only what is, but also the possibilities for what can be.

At the deepest level of purpose there never has to be a conflict between gratitude and ambition. Nourished and energized by that purpose, you can move thankfully and enthusiastically forward.

When you feel gratitude let it push you to do more, and when you feel ambition let it remind you to be thankful. Keep gratitude and ambition working together and get maximum benefit from both.

— Ralph Marston

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