virgin islands scene

Even a small star shines in the darkness.
-- Finnish proverb


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Good times

The difficult times are times you’ll eventually treasure. Because they’re times when you have no choice but to be your best.

The enjoyable times are times you can already treasure now, and then continue to treasure as the years pass. Knowing how good life can be provides the courage and the strength to make it good again.

In times of confidence and stability you discover how much you can achieve. In times of uncertainty you learn the value of being decisive, committed, resourceful.

Times of loneliness can be painful, yet they can also be insightful, productive and strengthening. Times of camaraderie and fellowship can be hectic and demanding while also uniquely enriching.

Indeed, all times can end up being good times, each in their own way. Whatever may be going on, you can find value to live and to share.

The potential for goodness exists in every stretch of time. In each different situation, during all the times you inhabit, choose to live that goodness fully, and to spread it far and wide.

— Ralph Marston

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