Thursday, September 16, 2021
Thoughts, actions, and feelings
Sometimes feelings just come over you. Maybe it’s because of something that happens, or it could be for no discernible reason.
You can get the impression that you have no control over your feelings. But that’s not true at all.
Sure, sometimes your feelings are influenced by factors far beyond your control. Yet even then you have great influence over the way you feel.
Most of your feelings are the result of what you are thinking about and what you are doing. And you almost always have complete control over your thoughts and your actions.
If your feelings are troubling you or hindering you, step back and examine what you’re thinking and what you’re doing. Ask yourself, how could you improve your thoughts and change your actions to create more desirable and effective feelings?
Certainly a lot of things influence the way you feel, yet at least two of those things are yours to choose. Select your thoughts and actions so they give you sufficient strength to deal with all those other things you can’t control.
Ralph Marston

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