virgin islands scene

The world is a looking glass. It gives back to every man a true reflection of his own thoughts.
-- Thackery


Saturday, September 4, 2021

A good place to be

You don’t have to be spectacular to do a good job. Your life doesn’t have to be filled with glamor and drama to be a good life.

It’s great to work on being more than you are. Yet life can be fulfilling long before you’ve arrived at whatever destination you seek.

In all likelihood, where you are right now is not the perfect place to be. Nonetheless, you can always make it a good place to be.

Your high standards are valuable and admirable. But don’t let those standards prevent you from making good use of every moment.

Even when circumstances are less than perfect, you can live well, with purpose, with grace, with truth. Even when others in your life are less than accommodating, you can maintain a positive, purposeful focus.

Today is your day to embrace what is, to create unique fulfillment right where you are. Life is here now, ready for you to live it well.

— Ralph Marston

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