virgin islands scene

It's not the having, it's the getting.
-- Elizabeth Taylor


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Serve what matters

Don’t take the path of least resistance. Take the path of highest purpose.

Getting somewhere easily and quickly is not the point. Getting somewhere meaningful and valuable is the point.

If you just let yourself go with the tide you’ll get swept out to sea. Summon the courage, put forth the effort, persist in going against the tide when you must.

Your life has unique, worthwhile and beautiful potential. Your obligation to yourself and to those you care about is to fulfill that potential on a daily basis.

In your heart you know what matters. With your time, your actions, your words and thoughts, be true to all those things.

Make use of the strength you have to serve the purpose you know is yours. That strength will grow, and so will you, and so will all of life.

— Ralph Marston

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