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Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
-- Albert Einstein


Monday, August 16, 2021

Looking up

If you want to get things looking up, start with yourself. Look up, look forward, look at the best possibilities, and look at how you can bring them to life.

Sometimes you have to look back, sometimes you have to look down, just to establish perspective. Once you’ve done that, though, it’s time to look in a more positive direction.

Look up, and notice there’s really no limit to how high you can go. Look up, replenish your energy, and activate your inspiration.

Look up, and you’ll be able to see beyond the obstacles that stand in your way. Look up, toward where you most desire to go, and begin to see the positive path that will take you there.

Feel the strength you’ve gained from the troubles you’ve been through. Look up, and give that strength a good, meaningful direction to go.

Get yourself looking up. By so doing you’ll invite and encourage the world around you to unfold in that same direction.

— Ralph Marston

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