virgin islands scene

The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse.
-- Jules Renard


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Richness that endures

Plenty of choices can bring you pleasure in the moment. Yet when the moment is over the pleasure is gone and you’re left with nothing to show for it.

You can do better. You can choose other ways to spend your time, to invest your effort, attention, and resources.

You don’t have to settle for cheap, meaningless, instant gratification. You always have the option to devote your time and energy to activities that bring lasting fulfillment.

What can you do today that you’ll still be thankful for doing a week from now? What can you do with your time to create value that grows more meaningful as the months and years go by?

The instant thrills and sensations will fade before the next instant. You deserve to experience richness that endures a whole lot longer than that.

Live in the moment, but don’t live merely for the moment. Use today to enrich your world in ways that continue long after the day is over.

— Ralph Marston

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