virgin islands scene

The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse.
-- Jules Renard


Saturday, July 10, 2021

Choose a positive future

How do you envision the future? Whatever you expect plays a key role in the way your future unfolds.

Of course nothing is going to work out exactly as you anticipated merely because of your expectations. Yet the best chance to end up in a positive place is to move in a positive direction.

Your future is fast approaching, and the way you live right now makes a difference in how that future will be. Your future is as bright and fulfilling as you choose in the present to make it.

Sure, there are plenty of understandable reasons to be discouraged about the future. Yet because the future isn’t here, and because you play a key role in it, being positive about the future is just as realistic.

At this point, the future you envision is completely up to you. So your best strategy is to envision the most positive future you can imagine.

Go ahead, choose to be positive about the future, and arrange your actions accordingly. By so doing you’ll lift your world higher starting right now and extending into all the future days to come.

— Ralph Marston

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