virgin islands scene

The less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in.
-- Lord Chesterfield


Monday, July 5, 2021

Give it a go

It might work out and it might not. The only way you’ll find out is to give it a go.

It’s comfortable and convenient to sit and do nothing. Yet it’s a whole lot more interesting and fulfilling to get up and explore some unknown territory.

Don’t just talk about what you might do, or wonder what it would be like. Take the steps, make the efforts, find a way, and make it happen.

Life is here right now to be lived. And right now is when you must live to the fullest, not someday, not when things are perfect, but right now as it is.

Though you’re certain to run into some problems, go ahead and give it a go. Though you’re often not sure what to expect, with each passing day you grow more capable at dealing with whatever arises.

There’s no end to the possibilities for achievement and discovery. Step forward today and give it a go.

— Ralph Marston

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