virgin islands scene

The day I see a leaf is a marvel of a day.
-- Kenneth Patton


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Go where the challenges are

In what direction will you meet the most resistance? That’s the direction where you can create the most value.

What is the easiest option? That’s the option that won’t make much of a difference.

When a problem arises, an opportunity has been born. Where a challenge exists, there is value to be created.

The hard stuff is what makes the good stuff. The uncomfortable experiences are the ones that result in strength, fulfillment, richness.

The good life you enjoy today exists because countless people endured countless challenges. Now it’s your great privilege, and your most unfaltering source of fulfillment, to extend that legacy.

Go where the challenges are. That’s where you’ll manifest your greatest potential.

— Ralph Marston

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