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You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Know your limits

How do you transcend your limits? You start by acknowledging them, examining them, understanding them.

Limits have much less power over you when you’re precisely clear about what they are. The more you know about your limits, the more you can compensate for them.

When you’re able to fully compensate for a particular limit, it is effectively no longer a limit. Though it still may exist, from your perspective you have rendered it irrelevant.

Know your limits, and know them in detail. Then focus your time, energy, thought, and passion on your purpose.

Combine your desire to move forward with your thorough understanding of what’s hindering you. Unleash the power of your intention and identify ways to break through those limiting factors.

Rather than mindlessly cursing the limits, get to know them. That’s what will get you beyond them.

— Ralph Marston

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