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In actual life every great enterprise begins with and takes its first forward step in faith.
-- Schlegel


Thursday, April 8, 2021

Choose where to aim

If you’re troubled by uncertainty, set a meaningful goal for yourself. Though it cannot make you certain about what will happen, it will at least give you certainty about where you intend to go.

You cannot force an uncertain universe to have certainty. Attempts to do so will leave you precariously at odds with reality.

What you can do is nurture a sense of certainty within yourself, one that is based on what is real and under your control. You can choose where to aim, and that is no small thing.

It’s not the answer to every question or the solution to every problem. Yet it will help in ways you would never have imagined.

Choose where to aim, and suddenly you have a well-defined structure within which to evaluate and process whatever happens. Though you haven’t eliminated uncertainty, you have given yourself a sure and certain strategy for dealing with it.

Choose where to aim, and you can point life’s energy in a consistent and useful direction. Choose where to aim, because it’s a whole lot more certain than any alternative.

— Ralph Marston

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