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The trouble with life in the fast lane is that you get to the other end in a hurry.
-- John Jensen


Friday, April 2, 2021

Power in disillusion

Consider what a good thing it is when you are disillusioned. It is irrefutable evidence that you care.

But you must not permit yourself to merely wallow in disillusionment. Rather than waste your disillusionment on negativity, transform it into inspiration, into positive action.

Disillusionment points to a higher ideal. Such a strong sense of what you don’t want can clearly illuminate what you do want.

When you feel disillusioned, ask yourself why. Articulate what is wrong, then challenge yourself to precisely identify what would make things right.

You have the power to make those things happen in your own unique way. More importantly, you have the passion to do so, as is evidenced by your disillusion.

Tap deeply into the insight and power that underlie your feelings of disillusion. Put them to use in the service of goodness, of beauty, of truth and life.

— Ralph Marston

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