virgin islands scene

Things don't turn up in this world until somebody turns them up.
-- James A. Garfield


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Do today

Do today’s work today. Pushing it into the future accomplishes nothing other than to increase its toil.

Address today’s problems today. They will only grow more complicated and intractable as time goes on.

Live today’s joys today. If you postpone them until later, they’ll go away and never come back.

Life is now. If you are to achieve, be happy, connect with others, and experience the wondrous richness that is yours to know, now is when to make it all happen.

Whatever dream you are following, or wish to follow, has its next essential step today. Now is when you do the amazing, fulfilling work to transform all you have experienced and accumulated into all you can be.

It is an opportunity that has no equal, that will never come again. Don’t let it pass you by.

— Ralph Marston

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