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Four things come not back: the spoken word, the spent arrow, the past, and the neglected opportunity.
-- Omar Idn Al-Halif


Monday, March 22, 2021

Always achieving

It’s good to have done, but not enough. Do more, add to it, continue the momentum.

Don’t let a single success be the end of success. Let it set the stage for even more.

Find inspiration in where you’ve been, in what you’ve accomplished. Then act on that inspiration.

Extend the fulfillment to a new day, a new setting, a new realm. Achievement is a skill that’s too valuable to go to waste.

Put that skill and all your experience to work right now. Fall in love again with the possibilities, and give your energy to what you love.

Let life find you at your best, in your highest state of fulfillment. Let life find you always achieving.

— Ralph Marston

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