virgin islands scene

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.
-- William Shakespeare


Monday, February 22, 2021

Don’t be so certain

If you too often seek refuge in certainty, that certainty can become a trap. Conditions change, and you must be willing to acknowledge that, to adjust your own thoughts and actions accordingly.

Yes, work to gain more confidence in what you already know. At the same time seek out what makes you wonder, what baffles you, what challenges your sense of certainty.

You may have superb, well thought out answers to the questions of the moment. Yet someone else may have even more appropriate, workable solutions.

Don’t let your certainty deny you access to any of life’s wonder, value, excellence, and fulfillment. Loosen up on your need to be certain, and open up to more of life’s richness.

Look for ways to venture outside any bubbles of certitude you may have created. Go where you can develop wider, deeper, more nuanced understanding.

Certainty feels good, yet like anything that feels good, too much certainty is not good. Don’t be so certain, and enable yourself to experience more of life’s boundless wonder.

— Ralph Marston

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