virgin islands scene

It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.
-- E E Cummings


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Something you can love

There is something you can love about right now. Do you see it, can you feel it?

Somewhere within this moment is unique beauty. Somehow within this situation is positive potential.

Encourage yourself to resonate with the goodness that already exists. Challenge yourself to envision and create the value that can be.

Go beyond the obvious and look with eyes enlightened by love. Discover how very much there is to love, to care for, to build upon right here and right now.

Colors, sounds, feelings, motions and ideas swirl through your awareness. Connect them all together and give them a positive, useful direction with love.

This is the moment you have, this is the moment you are living. To find the very best in it give your very best to it, with love leading the way.

— Ralph Marston

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