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Courage without conscience is a wild beast.
-- Robert G. Ingersoll


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Life’s magnificent bargain

Don’t shy away from life’s challenges. Those challenges are precisely where you will find new richness.

The more difficult something is to accomplish or acquire, the greater value it has. The more trouble you must endure and the more resources you must expend, the more you will treasure the results.

Difficult times are the times when you grow strong. Challenging efforts are the ones that force you to become more capable.

By its very nature, adventure is not easy. And you certainly deserve a life of adventure.

So accept the challenges and agree to the terms of life’s magnificent bargain. Go to the trouble, put up with the inconveniences, deal with the difficulties, and claim your greatest rewards.

Even life’s worst moments provide you the opportunity to give your best. Take that opportunity every time.

— Ralph Marston

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