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In the last analysis, our only freedom is the freedom to discipline ourselves.
-- Bernard Baruch


Friday, January 1, 2021

Beautiful reality

Look back for just a moment with nothing but pure gratitude in your heart. Gather for yourself a deep and powerful sense of appreciation that you can carry forward.

The joys, the disappointments, the exciting times, the tedious efforts, all have given you great strength. Now, feel that strength and put it to positive use.

Fulfill the promise that has been building in you since long before you knew it was there. Fully appreciate where you’ve been, and carry that appreciation to the very best places you can go.

This is a day when you’re prompted to look to the future. Look now with confidence and the highest expectations.

Life deserves the most purposeful, focused, effective version of yourself you can give it. You deserve the most fulfilling life you can imagine and create.

So activate all that potential you’ve earned at such a great cost, for this is your year, this is your time. This is when you create the beautiful reality that your life has made possible.

— Ralph Marston

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